January 2025

Things to Accomplish:

  • Complete and submit your Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity (#1728) – DUE 1/31
  • March for Life (Washington, D.C.) & State Marches
  • Free Throw Championship
  • Novena for Life
  • Submit your report on participation in the Special Olympics program – DUE 1/31
  • Pay Per Capita, Catholic Advertising and Culture of Life Assessments. Council Billing Statement is located under the Reports tab in Officers Online.

Plan Ahead:

  • Semiannual Council Audit (#1295) – DUE 2/15
  • Start organizing your spring Church Drive – be in touch with your pastor and get bulletin announcements ready


  1. Hold your council/district Free Throw Contests and then submit your form #10784.
  2. Which prospects will you be inviting to the next activity your council holds?
  3. Ask someone to join your council.

Remember to track the following information for your council activities:

  • Number of New Contacts
  • Money Donated
  • Number of Volunteers
  • Hours of Service